Background checks deal with extremely sensitive information and are typically only requested when necessary: getting a new job, applying for a loan and leasing a home or car. Being asked to hand over your social security number in any of these scenarios is no surprise and most people do it willingly. The purpose of a background check is to improve quality and safety; it is there to raise red flags before an incident happens. Keeping this in mind, would undergo a screening process to attend an event? Those attending the 2014 Winter Games don’t have a choice.

In less than a month the opening ceremony for the 2014 Winter Olympics is being held in Sochi. Given the already dangerous nature of the area selected it was expected that security measures would be intense and with recent events Russia has proven its dedication to keeping the games secure. Since the announcement of the games location threats have been against Sochi and the Olympics. Recently a suicide bombing killed 30 just 100 miles away from Sochi striking fear in many officials and spectators. In response to the concerns the exact security measures were released to the public informing spectators, they will go through extra this year to watch the games.

As these extra precautions were meant to help people feel more secure it is only causing more concern. With the announcement and bombings reoccurring in the news, many who have already made travel plans are deciding to watch this year’s games from their televisions instead. Russia continues to reassure that the threats will not affect the games and Sochi is perfectly safe for visitors.

If you had planned on attending the winter games in a month make sure you visit the official Olympic website for a list of requirements. As a company specializing in security we thought it would be helpful if we provided a list of things to do before planning your trip.

When planning a trip to the Olympics be sure to:

  • Check the official site for information.
  • Purchase a ticket from approved vendors.
  • Apply for a Spectators Pass (Including background check).
  • Get a temporary Tourist Visa.
  • Look up airport security measures: for example Russian airports will be stricter with liquids.
  • Look for hotels in Safe Zones.
  • Beware of the restricted areas around event venue.

We hope you have found this to be helpful. All of this information and more located on the official site at .

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