1. Inaccurate Job DescriptionsNo matter the excuse employers should always take the time to come up with an accurate job description. By hiring someone who doesn’t fully understand the position an employer opens themselves up to risks including: disgruntled employees,...
In 2009 unemployment spiked to numbers that the economy hadn’t seen in years. The rate then jumped again in 2010, by 2011 the rate began to slowly decrease but not by much. Now 3 years later the employment rate is almost back to what it was in 2008. What does...
Human Capital Management has been in the spotlight quite a bit recently as companies realize the increasing value of their employees and the true cost of replacing them. This trend is predicted to continue to increase in the future as the workforce continues to grow...
Check out what the following blogs had to say about HR trends, news and more. Below is a list of our top five favorite posts from this week. Check back every Friday for five more!1. 10 Ways Companies Drive Away TalentEmployers do you have a problem with finding...
Check out what the following blogs had to say about HR trends, news and more. Below is a list of our top five favorite posts from this week. Check back every Friday for five more!1. Let Love Inspire Your LeadershipThis great post from Forbes discusses the...
If you Google search “Hiring Advice”, over 100,000,000 results come up all of which are articles claiming to be the ‘best’ advice out there. The truth is it may be good advice but a majority of it is opinion based or advice that has worked for that particular...