Early in the month the University of South Florida decided to end the contract of its basketball coach Stan Heath. Heath had brought the team to one NCAA Tournament in 2012 but failed to do it again since bringing an end to his career with USF. The search for the...
The next form of workplace discrimination: the technologically challenged… you may laugh reading this sentence but it’s actually a reality. How? Aren’t computer skills necessary for certain positions? It’s not discrimination if applicants can’t perform the job...
Pre-employment testing – we have all been subjected to it at one point or another. Whether it was proving you could add and subject for that cashiers job you got at 16 or that personality test you took when you applied to be a sales person after college. Maybe...
HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!As we all think about our first pint of green beer sure to be coming later today, we turn our attention to this annual celebration of Irish heritage, culture and religion. But how much do we really know about St. Patrick and why we wear green...
Las Vegas is known for its beautiful lights, its amazing shows and its food… buffets to be specific.With every casino you have a new buffet awaiting you. Everyone loves an all-you-can-eat buffet, right? Whatever your tastebuds crave, there’s a smorgasbord of...
We write often about the dreaded bad hire. A bad hire takes time, money and resources most companies just don’t have. What if I told you a good or even great hire could do the same thing? I’m crazy right, but before you knock my theory think about promotions. Has that...