Ping Pong tables. Kegs. Artsy workspaces.Karaoke. Treadmill offices. Naps. Beer Pong tournaments. The list of weird, wild and wacky company culture phenomena we’ve already heard of is pretty extensive. Big business names like Google and Zappos draw most of the...
Have you ever seen this before?There’s a little boy playing alone in a sandbox. He’s driving cars through the sand and using the rails as launch pads. The little boy is having a grand old time. Then, a big boy stops over and asks he can play, too. Sure, says the...
Halfway through 2014, debates and discussions about employment law show no signs of slowing down.Sure, there are more pressing issues getting the bulk of national news coverage these days – Israel vs. Hamas, migrant influx into, and deportation from, the U.S.,...
There is a new ad campaign in Minnesota that is getting plenty of people’s attention.“It will never happen to me is not an emergency plan.”Plastered on billboards around the state, it’s an in-your-face reminder that disaster can strike at any time.If only businesses...
By its very nature, something called guidance should offer just that – guidance. But some small business owners are claiming that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s ‘guidance’ on background checks is too confusing to follow.The issue stems from a...
Here’s a question for you: Do you think that everyone should be given a fair shot at, and equal consideration for, landing a job? That means everyone. Felons. Non-English speakers. People with disabilities. Elderly. Immigrants. Drug addicts. Muslims. Homosexuals. Sex...