We spend so much of our lives building toward a career. In our younger years, we’re peppered with the “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question. By high school we’re concerned with attending colleges and universities that excel in our expected majors. When...
We have probably all experienced the best and worst kinds of educators. They have imprinted themselves into our brains by their teaching styles, the incredibly good and the equally incredibly bad. Like this guy: The thing about teachers, though, that Joel Klein so...
The term ‘influencer’ has been a hot topic on the ActiveCare blog lately. We’ve given you great tips on how to climb your company’s social and leadership ladder. We’ve talked with workplace relationship experts about how to build trust with your compadres. This week,...
If our workplaces had yearbooks, we’d probably all like to be voted ‘Most Popular.’ Sure, ‘Most Likely to Succeed’ would top the list for the incredibly ambitious, but as we all know, it can be lonely at the top. So, if you’re not willing to keep a roster of haters,...
There is a word that gets thrown around the interwebs a lot these days: Influencer. If you’re not familiar with the term, that’s okay. But chances are, if you don’t know what one is, then you’re not one. And that’s not okay. So here’s the deal. As you probably guessed...