Pot smokers – at least those in Colorado and Washington – rejoiced earlier this year when lawmakers in those states legalized marijuana for recreational purposes (as opposed to medicinal). Now people age 21+ can freely smoke pot in the privacy of their own...
We place an immense amount of trust in the person or people responsible for caring for our children when we’re not around. The list of people our kids come in contact with on a daily basis is pretty big, too, when you think about it.Bus DriversDay Care EmployeesBefore...
What is the most important thing when it comes to your child(ren)’s school? Education? STEM program? Athletic future? Quality teachers? Anti-bullying effort? Sure, these all rank up there. But what about safety? We don’t know about you but we think our children’s...
Is it OK to lie on your resume?Such a simple question. And, if you believe the countless comments posted underneath the countless articles written on the topic, such a complicated answer.Take this simple call out by British newspaper The Guardian asking for...
You’ve heard the (depressing) figures. Half of all small businesses fail within the first year 95% fold before five years 30% of small businesses continually lose money While many bloggers might have you believe this stat is Bad News Bears, we think it brings a...
Money is usually tight for non-profits. Unless you’re a huge national name, backed by celebrity endorsements, or have a super kind benefactor, you’re probably pinching pennies like the rest of us commoners. Whereas soccer moms like me can cut coupons, scan for online...