In case you missed it yesterday, this week we are releasing a series of posts on the different types of criminal records. Each day myself and our Director of Compliance, Benton Mobley will tackle a new level. Yesterday’s focus was at the county level and today we are going to examine criminal records at a statewide level. In each post we will explore the positives and negatives of each search with the hope that at the end of the series employers can reduce risk by selecting the correct search for their needs.
Statewide Criminal Record Search
A statewide search is exactly what it sounds like, a record search that covers all counties in the state. The states gather the information from the counties and store the information in a database. Unlike county searches the state level can have multiple sources. For example in Texas it is mandated that county records be sent to the state’s Department of Public Safety. In other states the information may be sent to the Department of Justice, correctional authorities or a law enforcement agency. When choosing a criminal record search knowing how each state operates is important. Mobley described this as a pivotal part of the screening process, “Being familiar with how the different state systems work is crucial.”
What does this mean?
Statewide systems are very capable of giving you the information you need however they are known to vary from state to state. When choosing a search method it is key to know your specific state – be aware of its quirks and know the court systems inside and out. Depending on the state this can be tricky between fees, search type and the results available; this is where the experts come in handy. When asking about how we stay updated on the systems Mobley explained that we have court researchers who advise the staff. “Our researchers have expertise in each court system…this allows us to know when to avoid county searches and go for the statewide.”
Expert Advice
Statewide searches are generally regarded as the least accurate of the three but this is only because of the inconsistencies between states. If a statewide search is something you believe is right for you we suggest you consult an industry expert first. Mobley is an advocate of county searches as they are the most accurate but he stressed that county is not always the best course of action, the client determines the course taken. “We take each case on a state by state basis and make sure the client is getting the best results for the best price.” He said. Be sure whoever you are dealing with knows your needs but more importantly your state’s systems. This will ensure you are getting the best results available to you.
Part Two of the Criminal Record Presentation
Tomorrow we will conclude our series with a post on National Criminal Record searches and a recap of Criminal records. Have any comments about the presentation or criminal record searches, please share below!